emergencyMany Canadians are trying to find methods to allow them to have a little extra money when they really need it. There are a variety of different things to try in order to do this.

Coupons can be a godsend for making decent savings on our essentials like food and clothing. You can take an extra, small job after your full time job to make some more money. These jobs can be low paying, because they are only taking up your free time that you weren’t doing anything productive with anyway.

One thing to do is create an emergency place to put some extra money. At the beginning of the month, before you make any payments to anyone, put some money in that spot. This will be a place that you can go to get money when things get tighter than you plan for, without having to resort to using your credit card. Make a bank account that is separate from your regular account that you use for checking. Put your extra money in there only for when you really have an emergency. If you don’t end up having that emergency, then you can go on a vacation at the end of the year. Try to save as much money as you can spare per month, so that you have this money set aside for emergency situations.

If you follow these steps, you should have some money saved.

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